What is SEO Content & How Does It Add Value To Your Site or Blog?

SEO Content Puts Your Business in a More Profitable Position Than Simple Content

SEO Content is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimized Content. A writing technique used for creating content for websites, blogs, linkedIn profiles, newsletter, etc.

SEO writing may look like regular piece of writing to a naive visitor, but the fact is that a lot of thought and technique has gone into it.

The basic different that sets SEO content apart from regular writing is that web content has to click with the visitors (potential audience) but before that it has to click with search engine spiders to index it in keeping specific key phrases in mind.

Website & blog owners hire my services for all kinds of content, right from getting content created for their blogs or sites to working on marketing articles and email campaigns for them.

When I am hired to write content sometimes I am given a set of keywords and phrases around which I have to weave content; and sometimes I have to identify and research phrases on my own. I am comfortable doing both. The latter involves research which consumes more time, that's about all.

While writing content I generally work with one primary & one secondary key phrase per page, per post / per web page / per article etc and advice everyone to do the same; because this strategy helps to create content that does not waver in focus.

There are times when I work with just the primary key phrase and omit the secondary phrases altogether. Limiting the number of ke-words adds strength to the page and makes it more focused and tightly weaved. Also it helps spiders and readers from going astray.

Also, while creating web content I know that the visitor who has reached a site is looking for some kind of information; and if I, as a content writer fail to fulfill this need of my customer, he will leave my site for competitors. So besides using the right keywords and phrases, I also express the information in the language and tone that the audiences is used to; because if they can't identify with the content on site, they won't do business with it or buy our product.

As a content writer I also try to strike a fine balance between spiders and visitors; by keeping both happy and giving both good reasons to stay. While the former will help to rank the site, latter will find the link to our site, stay there and do business with us.

If you want content written for your site or blog, or want to get it assessed, feel free to contact me.

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