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CFE-FP-D Fraud Prevention and Deterrence |

ACFE CFE-FP-D : Fraud Prevention and Deterrence Practice Tests

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Exam Number : CFE-FP-D
Exam Name : Fraud Prevention and Deterrence
Vendor Name : ACFE
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Memorize and practice these CFE-FP-D Cram Guide before you go to attempt real exam.
Tired of reading bulky Fraud Prevention and Deterrence publications? Remember that you may encounter unfamiliar questions in real CFE-FP-D exams that are not covered in course books. The solution is to obtain CFE-FP-D Exam Cram from and memorize all the questions and answers. Practice with the VCE simulator and you will be prepared for the genuine CFE-FP-D exam.

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CFE-FP-D exam Format | CFE-FP-D Course Contents | CFE-FP-D Course Outline | CFE-FP-D exam Syllabus | CFE-FP-D exam Objectives

Exam Detail:
The CFE-FP-D (Certified Fraud Examiner - Fraud Prevention and Deterrence) exam is a professional certification exam offered by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). It is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of individuals involved in fraud prevention and deterrence. Here are the exam details for the CFE-FP-D exam:

- Number of Questions: The exam typically consists of 150 multiple-choice questions.

- Time Limit: The time allocated to complete the exam is 4 hours.

Course Outline:
The CFE-FP-D course provides a comprehensive understanding of various subjects related to fraud prevention and deterrence. The course outline generally includes the following areas:

1. Introduction to Fraud:
- Understanding fraud and its impact on organizations.
- Fraud prevention and deterrence principles.

2. Fraud Risk Assessment and Management:
- Identifying fraud risks and vulnerabilities.
- Conducting fraud risk exams.
- Implementing fraud prevention controls.

3. Fraud Detection and Investigation Techniques:
- Recognizing red flags and indicators of fraud.
- Conducting internal investigations.
- Gathering evidence and interviewing techniques.

4. Fraud Prevention Policies and Procedures:
- Developing and implementing fraud prevention policies and procedures.
- Internal controls and segregation of duties.
- Fraud prevention training and awareness programs.

5. Fraud Prevention in Specific Industries:
- Fraud prevention considerations in different industries, such as banking, insurance, healthcare, and government.
- Industry-specific regulations and compliance requirements.

6. Ethics and Professionalism:
- Ethical standards for fraud prevention professionals.
- Professional responsibilities and code of conduct.
- Reporting fraud and whistleblower protection.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the CFE-FP-D exam are as follows:

- Assessing candidates' knowledge of fraud prevention and deterrence principles and techniques.
- Evaluating candidates' understanding of fraud risk exam and management.
- Testing candidates' proficiency in fraud detection and investigation techniques.
- Assessing candidates' knowledge of developing and implementing fraud prevention policies and procedures.
- Evaluating candidates' understanding of ethics and professionalism in fraud prevention.

Exam Syllabus:
The specific exam syllabus for the CFE-FP-D exam covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to Fraud Prevention and Deterrence:
- Fraud prevention principles and concepts.
- Fraud prevention frameworks and methodologies.

2. Fraud Risk Assessment and Management:
- Fraud risk identification and exam.
- Fraud risk management strategies.
- Fraud prevention controls and mitigation measures.

3. Fraud Detection and Investigation Techniques:
- Fraud detection methods and techniques.
- Internal investigations and evidence gathering.
- Interviewing and interrogation techniques.

4. Fraud Prevention Policies and Procedures:
- Fraud prevention policy development and implementation.
- Internal controls and segregation of duties.
- Fraud prevention training and awareness programs.

5. Fraud Prevention in Specific Industries:
- Industry-specific fraud risks and prevention measures.
- Compliance requirements and regulations in different industries.

6. Ethics and Professionalism in Fraud Prevention:
- Ethical standards for fraud prevention professionals.
- Professional responsibilities and code of conduct.
- Reporting fraud and whistleblower protection.

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