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Exam Number : Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer
Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Secure your 100 percent marks with these Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer real questions
Practice with their real Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer questions and Improve your knowledge to achieve Full Marks in the test center. They cover all the subjects of the test and ensure your success with the right questions.

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Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer exam Format | Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer Course Contents | Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer Course Outline | Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer exam Syllabus | Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer exam Objectives

Exam Specification: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer
Exam Code: Not specified
Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Passing Score: 65%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice, multiple-select

Course Outline:

1. Marketing Cloud Overview
- Introduction to Salesforce Marketing Cloud and its key features
- Understanding the role of a Marketing Cloud Developer
- Exploring the components and functionalities of Marketing Cloud

2. Marketing Cloud Data Model and Architecture
- Understanding the Marketing Cloud data model and architecture
- Exploring data extensions, data relationships, and data views
- Configuring data integration and synchronization with external systems

3. Marketing Cloud Automation
- Implementing automation solutions using Automation Studio
- Creating and configuring data-driven automations
- Developing workflows and triggered emails for personalized customer journeys

4. Marketing Cloud Email Studio
- Configuring email templates and content blocks
- Building and testing email campaigns using Email Studio
- Implementing dynamic content and personalization techniques

5. Marketing Cloud Journey Builder
- Designing and configuring customer journeys using Journey Builder
- Implementing decision splits, activities, and goals within journeys
- Leveraging event-driven and triggered interactions for real-time engagement

6. Marketing Cloud Content Builder and Personalization
- Creating and managing content using Content Builder
- Implementing personalization and dynamic content blocks
- Leveraging AMPscript and SSJS for advanced content customization

7. Marketing Cloud Integration and APIs
- Integrating Marketing Cloud with external systems using APIs
- Implementing custom activities and event triggers
- Developing custom applications and integrations using Marketing Cloud APIs

Exam Objectives:

1. Understand the key features and capabilities of Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
2. Configure and manage data within the Marketing Cloud data model.
3. Implement automation solutions using Automation Studio.
4. Build and test email campaigns using Email Studio.
5. Design and configure customer journeys using Journey Builder.
6. Create and manage content using Content Builder.
7. Implement personalization and dynamic content blocks.
8. Integrate Marketing Cloud with external systems using APIs.
9. Develop custom applications and integrations using Marketing Cloud APIs.

Exam Syllabus:

1. Marketing Cloud Overview
- Introduction to Salesforce Marketing Cloud
- Key features and benefits of Marketing Cloud
- Components and functionalities of Marketing Cloud

2. Marketing Cloud Data Model and Architecture
- Marketing Cloud data model and architecture
- Data extensions, relationships, and data views
- Data integration and synchronization with external systems

3. Marketing Cloud Automation
- Automation solutions using Automation Studio
- Data-driven automations and activities
- Workflows and triggered emails for customer journeys

4. Marketing Cloud Email Studio
- Email templates and content blocks
- Email campaign configuration and testing
- Dynamic content and personalization techniques

5. Marketing Cloud Journey Builder
- Customer journey design and configuration
- Decision splits, activities, and goals within journeys
- Event-driven and triggered interactions

6. Marketing Cloud Content Builder and Personalization
- Content creation and management using Content Builder
- Personalization and dynamic content blocks
- AMPscript and SSJS for advanced content customization

7. Marketing Cloud Integration and APIs
- Marketing Cloud integration with external systems
- Custom activities and event triggers
- Custom applications and integrations using Marketing Cloud APIs

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Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam

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